We all know prolonged sitting contributes to joint and muscle pain. It’s one of the reasons institutions including the Mayo Clinic and Harvard Medical School recommend incorporating regular movement breaks into your workday. But for drivers, who spend long hours at the wheel, following this suggestion gets complicated. “You can’t just pull the truck over and take a walk,” says Eric Mertens, who works with Prime’s health and wellness programs. “It’s not practical when you’re driving a huge truck.”
Over time, the physical demands and constraints of truck driving can cause or exacerbate lower back pain and spinal alignment problems. Chiropractic care is a powerful tool to correct these, which is why Prime now offers a chiropractic program right in its Springfield terminal. Mertens says this program arose organically. The Prime Driver Advisory Board, as well as a group of in-house associates, enthusiastically supported the idea of bringing a chiropractor on site, in part because it helps eliminate barriers to care, particularly for drivers. “For example,” Mertens says, “if a driver has to go anywhere that doesn’t have adequate truck parking, it makes just getting to the appointment so much harder.”
When Prime began looking for the right chiropractor to bring on site, Dr. Marcel Popa was an obvious choice. Several drivers and in0house associates were already Popa’s patients. Mertens describes Popa’s approach as highly patient-centered and efficient. “If he can get you fixed up in two appointments, that’s great,” Mertens says.
The chiropractic program launched in February 2020. Initially, appointments were offered during two half-day periods each week, but the service was so popular, people were getting turned away. As a result, the program expanded to allow for more appointment times and even some walk-ins.
Popa created a website for the program. There, you can learn more about his background and the services he provides, including adjustment/manipulation, electrical muscle stimulation, flexion distraction, mechanical intersegmental traction, kinesio taping and instrument/impulse adjusting. You can even book your appointment right there, on the website.
The biggest sign of the program’s value is how popular it’s been with drivers and in-house associates alike. “Everybody loves it,” Mertens says. “I’ve been told by several people that after visiting Dr. Popa, they’d never go to a different chiropractor again.”
Read more in the Prime magazine, Prime Ways – Team Spirit
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