The road to a pain free life starts now! Sign up today for the NEW Functional Freedom Program through Driver Health and Fitness. This program starts on October 12th and runs until November 20th. All drivers that finish the program and complete the pre- and post-program surveys will be entered into a drawing for 1 of 3 $100 gift cards. This program is open to all driving and non-driving associates and their immediate family.
How to Get Started:
✔️ Sign-up on the DHF website:
✔️ Fill out pre-program survey before program starts.
What to Expect during the 6-week Functional Freedom Program:
- Follow along with the exercise videos on the Functional Freedom section of the website. All routines are in-truck friendly, last from 4-10 minutes, and there are 5 videos released each week.
- Consult with your movement coach and DHF Coordinator frequently via phone (417)-521-3473 or through messaging to DHF through the Prime Mobile App.
- Submit program questions to DHF through the Prime Mobile app that we will answer in a weekly Q&A video which will be posted to our website and Facebook accountability page.
- Join our accountability group on Facebook called “DHF Functional Freedom Accountability” (Link to group: ).
- Fill out the post-program survey.
The Functional Freedom Program costs drivers $0/day! This program is a free benefit offered exclusively through Prime Inc.
National average cost for most popular back pain treatments:
- Chiropractor appointment: $65
- Physical therapy sessions: $50-$125
- Cost of back pain per year on average: $6,096
“Experts estimate that up to 80% of the population will experience back pain at some time in their lives.” -Neurologic Clinics Journal.
“Nearly 3 out of 5 truck drivers experience Musculoskeletal pain or discomfort while on the job, and most factors are “largely modifiable” -researchers at the University of Waterloo.
“Back pain and musculoskeletal injuries occur nearly four times more often among long-haul truck drivers than among other workers” -Bureau of Labor Statistics.
“A stretching approach focused on strengthening of the lower back and abdominals has been shown to drastically reduce the need for surgery and greatly reduces pain as a result. “
“I’ve been a victim of back pain for years. I was diagnosed with a hip impingement 5 years ago and was tossed around in the healthcare system in a cycle of physical therapy, MRI’s, doctor appointments, and muscle relaxers. I got no relief. I didn’t know where to turn. I finally decided to take matters into my own hands and researched movements that would help me get out of pain for good. All of these movements are things that helped me get out of pain and move freely again. Backed by science, research, and best practices in physical therapy settings, I know they can help you too.”-Matt Hancock (Functional Freedom Program creator, Certified Exercise Physiologist, and Driver Health and Fitness Coordinator).
Want to see a professional chiropractor for your back issues, too? Sign up for an appointment with our Chiropractor onsite at the Prime terminal in Springfield, MO: You will pay a flat discounted rate of $35/visit. No insurance needed!
Learn more about the Prime Inc. Driver Health and Fitness Program here:
Follow DHF on Facebook and Instagram to stay in the know with their latest programs and success stories.